UnTethered is an autobiographical show that follows a queer, demisexual woman with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as she attempts to transcend her irrational fears so that she may finally experience what it’s like to feel safe and loved. When her intrusive thoughts manifest as monsters made from plastic bags, she begins to question the absurd lengths the mind will go through to create an illusion of safety. UnTethered pushes at the boundaries of fixed identity and asks if we should tether to the things that make us feel safe, or if the power lies in the letting go.

UnTetehred at The Tank in Manhattan

November 21st at 7pm, 23rd at 3pm and 25th at 7pm

UnTethered premiered at The Istanbul Fringe Festival in September.

“UnTethered powerfully demonstrates the role of self-identity in an increasingly anxious and overstimulated world; it confronts preconceived notions (of OCD) through wit and comedy as Tana proves that she is more than just a ‘person with OCD’, she is in fact a multifaceted human being just trying to make sense of the world like everyone else!” — Loveday Quarry